RCCG is a global mega Church with headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria. RCCG, like most mega Churches started as a House fellowship called, the Glory of God Fellowship with just nine members at a rented
apartment in Lagos, Nigeria sometimes in 1925, when her Founder, Late Pa Josiah Akindayomi became uncomfortable with some unbiblical practices in his former place of worship – A cherubim and
Seraphim church. The rapidly growing House fellowship was renamed RCCG in 1952 when Pa Akindayomi saw in a vision, the words “The Redeemed Christian Church of God” written on a blackboard. Amazingly, Pa
Akindayomi who could not read or write was supernaturally able to write these words down. In this visitation, God also said to him that this church would go to the ends of the earth and that when the
Lord Jesus Christ appeared in glory, He would meet the church. The Lord then established a covenant with Pa Akindayomi, synonymous to the Abrahamic covenant in the Bible. He said that He the Lord
would meet all the needs of the church in an awesome way if only members would serve Him faithfully and be obedient to His Word. It is upon this covenant that the Redeemed Christian Church of God was built.

The Church continued to meet at the rented apartment until they were able to acquire some land thereby witnessing a relocation to the present site of the Headquarters of the church at 1-5
Redemption Way, Ebute-Metta, Lagos. Sometime in the early 70s, God had spoken to Pa Akindayomi about his successor. The Lord told him
that this man who was not a member of the church then, would be a young educated man. Thus when a young university lecturer joined the church in 1973, Papa was able to recognize him in the
Spirit as the one that the Lord had spoken about in the past. This man, Enoch Adejare Adeboye who was then a lecturer of Mathematics at the University of Lagos soon became involved in the church. He
became one of the interpreters translating Pa Akindayomi’s sermons from Yoruba to English.

He was ordained a pastor of the church in 1975. Pastor Adeboye, who himself had been told by God a year before Pa Akindayomi went to be with the
Lord that he would be his successor, formally and officially became the General Overseer of the Church by the reading of Pa Akindayomi’s sealed will after his burial.
Since 1981, an open explosion began with the number of parishes growing in leaps and bounds. At the last count, there are over 50,000 parishes of the Redeemed Christian Church of God with more than nine million active members in 197 countries & territories of the world.